Schizophrenia is perhaps the worst of the known psychiatric disorders and affects about the 1.5% of world population as it occurs usually in the first phase of adulthood (18-25 years).
This is mainly a disease of genetic origin of the significant abnormal thinking and behavior, making the subject progressively unable to manage their emotional and their common features, causing considerable difficulties in formulating clear and consistent thoughts, and compromising inevitably the ability to maintain relationships with others, make decisions and carry out normal work activities.
Contrary to what one is led to believe it is not derived from abuse of drugs or alcohol nor childhood issues or traumas during their lives, but it's fair to say that these "external factors&qyot; contribute significantly worsened the clinical picture of people and the risk of schizophrenia is accelerating and amplifying the onset of the course.
Once manifested, the disease does not regress or disappear. Chronic or periodic connotations affect the majority of schizophrenics for the rest of their lives.
Some symptoms of schizophrenia are:
- auditory and visual hallucinations (the subjects believe they hear "voices" converse in their head or seeing non-existent)
- delusions of persecution and obsessive fixations (fear of being spied upon or being threatened, controlled, etc ...)
- bizarre and inappropriate behaviors such as, burst into tears at good news or uncontrolled hilarity at the announcement of an accident, etc...
- flattening of emotions and the consequent neglect to themselves
- inability to complete meaningful sentence
- lack of pleasure and interest in life (around 10% of schizophrenics commit suicide)
Being a highly disabling disease and even targeted by too many prejudices caused by misinformation and indifference, schizophrenia leads those affected to social exclusion, which in many cases end up losing their jobs, friends and the possibility of establishing a relationship with a partner because they tend to reduce to minimum any human contact.
They are also not underestimate the difficulties faced by friends and family in the daily management of the patient, not only because it totally disrupts the lives of those who agreed to care.
Nowadays there is no cure that can totally eliminate or prevent the onset schizophrenia in genetically predisposed subjects, but you can manage and contain significantly and safely by appropriate drug treatment (antipsychotic) combined to the constant support of a psychiatric therapy and the indispensable help of family members to the point where they are able to offer to the patient a quality of life as close to normal and to the rehabilitation into society.
Many schizophrenic patients refuse treatment because they find them, wrongly, inadequate or ineffective, or tend to discontinue treatment at the early signs of improvement because they think they are completely healed and in these cases is that there are relapses in psychotic episodes more acute and prolonged than the previous.
Other patients see the psychiatrist as an enemy and repel the visits to the doctor, so it is essential that the family should approach the patient with patience and love and guide him in the long process of psychosocial rehabilitation.
Apart from Ingo, here's a short list of celebrities grab schizophrenia:
- Virginia Woolf, english novelist
- Vincent Van Gogh, painter
- John Nash, the mathematician and Nobel Prized
- Antonio Ligabue, italian painter naif
(by TheLadyWoreBlack. Special thanks to the National Institute of Mental Health. Very special thanks to Kitiara Majer)